When Good Kids Make Bad Choices: Help and Hope for Hurting Parents by Jim Newheiser & Elyse Fitzpatrick
When Good Kids Make Bad Choices: Help and Hope for Hurting Parents by Jim Newheiser & Elyse Fitzpatrick
There is perhaps no greater fear in a parent's heart than the thought that a much-loved and well-cared-for child will make bad choices or even become a prodigal.
What are parents to do in such circumstances? Authors Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick speak from years of personal experience as both parents and biblical counselors about how hurting parents can deal with the emotional trauma of when a child goes astray. They offer concrete hope and encouragement along with positive steps parents can take even in the most negative situations.
Includes excellent advice from Dr. Laura Hendrickson regarding medicines commonly prescribed to problem children, and offers questions parents can ask pediatricians before using behavioral medications. A heartfelt and practical guide for parents.
Elyse Fitzpatrick holds a certificate in biblical counseling from CCEF (San Diego) and an M.A. in Biblical Counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary. She has authored over 20 books on daily living and the Christian life.
Jim Newheiser is the Director of the Christian Counseling program and Associate Professor of Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He served in pastoral ministry for over thirty years in Southern California and Saudi Arabia. He has served as the director of The Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (IBCD) since 2006. He is a Fellow and a board member of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), and is a council board member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC).Jim has been practicing biblical counseling since 1982.
Dr. Laura Hendrickson, trained as a medical doctor and board-certified as a psychiatrist, left her practice eighteen years ago to work full-time at home with her son, Eric, who had just been diagnosed with severe autism. What seemed at the time to be a terrible tragedy turned out to be the source of great blessing in both her and Eric's life. Through the struggle to raise a very different child, health and family challenges, God drew Dr. Laura close to Himself. Eric improved and began school. Dr. Laura trained at the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation West in Biblical Counseling, learning to apply biblical principles first to her own struggles, then to the lives of her counselees. She lived in Southern California with her husband, Daniel, before her passing.