Unwasted Sorrow: How to Suffer Well for Your Own Sin by Todd M. Sorrell
Unwasted Sorrow: How to Suffer Well for Your Own Sin by Todd M. Sorrell
“What I’m really struggling with is the consequence of my sin. I know that sin has consequences and I have to live with mine. I’ve been reading 1 Peter 2:20 and it seems to say that no ‘credit’ is given in God’s eyes for enduring the natural consequences of my own sin. Can you help me understand this and apply it to my life?”
How would you answer someone coming to you for counsel with this question? Counselors must be able to explain how suffering that arises from one’s own sin can still lead to God’s glory and our good. This booklet explores how to help the weak and fainthearted endure suffering by humbly submitting to God’s will in all circumstances.
Todd M. Sorrell is an ACBC certified biblical counselor, a California attorney for almost 30 years, an adjunct biblical counseling and business professor, a businessman who has founded a number of successful businesses, and an author of two books, The College Choice: A Biblical Guide for Students and Parents and Journey to the Bending Light.