LASKA W PROCESIE BIBLIJNEJ ZMIANY - (Polish version) - The Process of Biblical Heart Change -
LASKA W PROCESIE BIBLIJNEJ ZMIANY - (Polish version) - The Process of Biblical Heart Change -
Zachecam was zatem, bracia, powotujac sie na mitosierdzie Boga, abyscie oddali swe ciata na ofiare - zywa swieta i mita Bogu - na dowaod, ze Mu Stuzycie z petnym przekonaniem. Nie podporzadkovujcie sie juz wiecej wzorcom tego wieku. Niech was przeobraza wasz nowy sposob myslenia, tak, byscie potrafili rozponac, co jest wola Bozq co jest dobre, przyjemne i doskonate. Rzymian 12:1-2
The little booklet that began it all! This handy booklet explains the process of heart change in the life of a person who desires to change their life. Based on Ephesians 4:22-24 and Romans 12:1-2, this material explains why behavior changes will not bring about true and lasting change in a person's life. This booklet is perfect for an initial homework assignment for someone in discipleship/counseling and is a staple at RGCC. It has been used all over the US and in Europe for the purpose of teaching the process of biblical change!
Julie Ganschow has been involved in Biblical Counseling and Discipleship for more than 20 years. She is passionate about the critical need for heart change in a person who desires change in their life.
She is the founder and Director of Reigning Grace Counseling Center (ACBC, IABC, AABC Certified Training Center) and Biblical Counseling for Women. She has been writing a daily blog on counseling issues women face since 2008.
Her extensive training has led to a B.A. in Biblical Counseling and certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) the American Association of Biblical Counselors (AABC), and the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC). She also serves on the Counsel Board for the Biblical Counseling Coalition.
Julie is a gifted counselor and teacher, has authored numerous books and materials for biblical counseling, and co-authored a biblical counseling training course. She is also a featured contributor in GriefShare and a frequent retreat and conference speaker.
She makes her home in Kansas City, Missouri with her wonderful husband Larry. Together they have raised 3 sons who have married and begun to bless them with grandchildren.
You can find her blog at and information about her ministries at, and