Social Anxiety: Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin by Amy Baker - Mini Book
Social Anxiety: Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin by Amy Baker - Mini Book
Mini Book
About: Social Anxiety.
"I'm just shy." You've worn the label for so long that it has become your identity. A counselor recently described it as social anxiety, but the new label does nothing to ease the pain. You wish you could feel "comfortable in your own skin" but instead, in social situations, you feel anxious and out of place. Where can you go for help?
Amy Baker explains that confidence in God, not self-confidence, is the answer to the problem of social anxiety. Trusting in God breaks the paralyzing grip of fear, freeing formerly "shy" people to enter fully into relationship with God and others.
About the Author
Author Amy Baker, Ph.D., is Ministry Resource Director at Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana. A counselor certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC, formerly NANC), Amy is also a Biblical Counseling Coalition council board member; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; and Vision of Hope residential treatment center board member. She and her husband Jeff have two children.
Amy explains how her passion for gospel-centered biblical counseling and discipleship leads her to write: “Writing is my faltering attempt to share with others the God who has rescued me and become my rock and strong tower,” she says. “As I grow in my understanding of how magnificent God is and taste his love and grace, I don’t want anyone else to miss out on this.”