Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography by Curtis Solomon
Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography by Curtis Solomon
As a husband, what can you do when you are caught in the prison of pornography use? It might be tempting to give up and give in, but there is hope for your struggle and there is hope for your marriage. You might feel weak, helpless, and powerless to change, but Curtis Solomon points you to Jesus who is powerful and the true source of change. In Christ our great Redeemer, it is possible to find the courage and grace to fight this battle, and your heart and your marriage can be redeemed, restored, and renewed.
In Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography, Curtis will guide you through a process to help you understand the hurt pornography has caused and to lament the effects of your struggle on your marriage. But you will not be left without hope—Curtis will help you learn to believe in the forgiveness of sins and Jesus’s power to help turn away from sin and live for God’s glory instead of momentary pleasure. God’s grace and power is what you need to overcome the shame and guilt brought by porn use. His grace will catch you if you fail again, and his love will hold you fast as you seek to glorify him in every area of your life. You will see that true repentance and forgiveness will help both you and your wife move forward toward healing.
This book was written in tandem with Reclaim Your Marriage: Grace for Wives Who Have Been Hurt by Pornography by Jenny Solomon, Curtis’s wife. These resources in the context of mentoring, counseling, or accountability relationships to give biblical direction and hope in the midst of a difficult struggle. The Solomons know the struggle you are going through, but they also know and have experienced the power of the gospel to bring forgiveness, change, and healing.
Redeem Your Marriage includes a foreword by Edward T. Welch.
“The porn plague has gone on long enough! I am grateful that we are seeing more and more excellent resources meant to help men who have succumbed to it and wives who have been hurt by it. I am certain that this new pair of books by my friends Curtis and Jenny Solomon will serve many couples as they redeem and reclaim a marriage that has been harmed by pornography. Those who read these books will find them helpful, challenging, encouraging, and best of all, biblical.”
Tim Challies, Blogger at; author of Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History
“No husband wants to be in the place where this book meets him. Curtis knows this. So if that’s you, be assured that the guidance you’ll receive in this book is the rare kind, characterized by both confidence in the power of Jesus Christ and the humility that comes only from acknowledging personal weakness.”
Jeremy Pierre, Lawrence and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Biblical Counseling & Department Chair, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author of The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life and When Home Hurts
Curtis Solomon, PhD, serves as the Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. He holds a_B.A. from_The Master’s University,_an MDiv, ThM, and PhD_from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography. He and his wife Jenny cofounded Solomon_SoulCare._The Solomons and their two delightful sons live in Kentucky.