Ours: Biblical Comfort for Men Grieving Miscarriage Journaling by Eric Schumacher
Ours: Biblical Comfort for Men Grieving Miscarriage Journaling by Eric Schumacher
31-day devotional giving biblical comfort and practical support to men processing miscarriage.
This 31-day devotional gives biblical comfort and practical support to men processing miscarriage. The loss of a baby in the womb can leave the father reeling, as well as the mother. He may feel confused, helpless, lonely, deeply sad, or just numb.
As readers draw alongside Jesus in the pages of Luke’s Gospel, they’ll find help to process their grief and to address questions they may be too afraid to ask. There’s also lots of practical help on how to care both for themselves and for their family in the aftermath of miscarriage.
Eric Schumacher writes with sympathy and compassion as someone who has experienced the grief of multiple pregnancy losses making this book a great way to reach out to men who are suffering in this way. Includes foreword by Paul David Tripp and contributions from Nate and Lore Wilbert, Jenn Hesse, and Brian Croft. There is also space for journaling.
Russell Moore: Author, The Storm-Tossed Family
"Finally—a book that deals with the grief experienced by fathers who have lost children to miscarriage. This book will help men to grieve with hope and to minister to their wives and families at the same time. It is honest, biblical, practical, and timely."
Christine Caine: Founder, Propel Women
"This is the devotional I wish someone had given to my husband when we went through our miscarriage. It’s so good. So needed. So important. So tender. Eric named so many unnamed things."
Justin S. Holcomb: Episcopal Minister; Seminary Professor
"Eric knows firsthand the confusion, questions, pain, and emotions that can be associated with miscarriage. He writes of the hope that held and comforted him… and still does. Ours is theologically rich and offers wisdom, hope, comfort, and healing for men grieving miscarriage. A must-have for clergy too."
Dave and Ann Wilson: Co-hosts, Family Life Today
"This is the only book I have ever seen that is written for the father of a miscarried child. And it’s a great one. Dig in, allow God to meet you in the pages of this book, and you will find healing and comfort. And share it with every dad you know."
Eric Schumacher is a pastor, author, and songwriter. He authored the novella My Last Name, and co-authored Worthy and Jesus & Gender with Elyse Fitzpatrick. Eric received his MDiv from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He lives in Iowa with his wife and five children. Find him online at emschumacher.com.