Not Tonight Honey: Handling Your Wife's Sexual Rejection by Rob Green - Mini Book
Not Tonight Honey: Handling Your Wife's Sexual Rejection by Rob Green - Mini Book
Mini Book
About: Not Tonight Honey.
How do you respond when you hear from your wife, "Not tonight, honey"? Your response may range from confusion and hurt to impatience and anger. Whether you're hearing the words for the first time or are beginning to think you'll never hear any others, you struggle with how to respond. You want to be a good husband, but you also want her to be a good wife!
Rob Green walks through the various ways men respond to their wives' sexual rejection and calls husbands back to Christ's foundational call to love their wives as Christ loves the church. By reminding men that sexual intimacy is an expression of love that finds its context in a marriage built on safely and security, he offers helpful instruction on how to love well and continue to build relationship.
About the Author
Author Rob Green, M.Div., is the pastor of Counseling and Seminary Ministries at Faith Church (Lafayette, Indiana). He is also a member of the council board of the Biblical Counseling Coalition as well as instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling.
Rob Green’s influences as a gospel-centered author are varied. He explains, “I have been greatly influenced by the man who encouraged me to stay in youth group when I was sixteen years old, by the discipleship of my pastor during my college years, and by the rank and file of heavenly citizens who have pursued Jesus despite trial, tribulation, suffering, persecution, or even success.”
Green wasn’t always a pastor and author; he has a B.S. in engineering physics from Ohio State University and after college wrote computer programs to process credit cards. After feeling a call to the ministry he entered seminary, eventually earning a M.Div. and a Ph.D. from Baptist Bible Seminary.
Writing, an extension of Rob Green’s biblical counseling and discipleship ministry, provides him a chance to “bring glory to God and to positively impact and encourage people to love Jesus and follow him all the days of their life.”
Rob Green and his wife Stephanie have three children. They enjoy hiking in the mountains out West, shooting guns, going on intense, activity-filled vacations, and serving in their local church together.