Help! My Teen is Rebellious by Dave Coats - Mini Book
Help! My Teen is Rebellious by Dave Coats - Mini Book
Mini Book
About: Help! My Teen is Rebellious.
A small book offering Biblical counsel to parents of rebellious teenagers.
Dave & Judi Coats were stunned when their teenage daughter said to them, “You are not going to tell me what to do!” Struggles with their teens drove them to their knees in prayer and to the Word of God for answers about teenage rebellion. Here they share the truths they discovered, the practical advice that helped, and the hope they found in the power of the gospel and God’s grace to change.
About the Author
Dr. Dave Coats pastors, directs a non-profit youth center, teaches in a counseling training center, and works in a rural, Wisconsin community. His wife, Dr. Judi Coats, an author and a conference speaker, also devotes her time to gospel outreach in the community. They have three grown children who are actively involved in local church ministry.