Help! My Kids Are Viewing Pornography by Tim Challies - Mini Book
Help! My Kids Are Viewing Pornography by Tim Challies - Mini Book
Mini Book
About: Help! My Kids are Viewing Pornography.
Living in a world gone wrong, children and teenagers are deeply at risk from the lure of pornography. Here is biblical and practical counsel to help us live wisely.
This mini-book addresses the matter in spiritual terms and explores its dangers, guiding parents and mentors with biblical principles and practical policies which they may use to wisely and effectively shepherd the hearts of children who are at great risk in our increasingly immoral society.
Intended Readership
- Parents and mentors of children
- Counselors
- Pastors and church ministry teams
Chapter Titles
- Introduction
- Pornography Is Driving Technology
- Why Are We Drawn to the Sensual?
- Hope for a Pornified World
- The Porn-Free Family
- Conclusion
- Where Can I Get Further Help?
About the Author
Tim Challies is a Christian, a husband, and a father to three children. He worships and serves as an elder at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario. He is a book reviewer for WORLD magazine, co-founder of Cruciform Press, and has written several books, as well as blogging extensively at