God Made Me Unique: Helping Children See Value in Every Person by Joni and Friends & Trish Mahoney(Illustrator)
God Made Me Unique: Helping Children See Value in Every Person by Joni and Friends & Trish Mahoney(Illustrator)
God Made Me Unique, a beautifully illustrated picture book, helps parents and caregivers teach children that God creates every person in the image of God and each individual has tremendous value, regardless of his or her appearance or abilities.
The story is set in a Sunday school classroom where a new girl, Brie, is introduced by her mom. Brie's Sunday school teacher takes the time to welcome Brie and to explain to the other children why she is wearing headphones. Through getting to know Brie, the children are guided into a biblical understanding of the uniqueness of each of God's children. Along the way they learn to ask questions and gain an understanding about their new friend.
Told in a charming rhyming style, this colorful, hardcover book will help eliminate fear and misconceptions about those who have special needs and emphasizes that every person deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.
The back of the book contains a special section just for parents and caregivers that will guide them in how to have biblical, loving conversations with children and gives them additional information and resources to equip them in talking about this important subject.
Like God Made All of Me by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb and God Made Me AND You by Shai Linne, God Made Me Unique gives parents the tools to have important, impactful conversations with their children that will grow their understanding of God, themselves, and others.
"This book is a gift to parents as they raise reflective and compassionate children. What a spectacular application of the doctrine of creation: the teaching that we are all made in the image of God! These teachings are significant for how we interact with people of all different types of abilities. This book highlights our value as God's creatures and celebrates the different gifts God has given to each member of his family."
Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb, Authors of God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies; Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault; and Is It My Fault? Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence
"In writing God Made Me Unique, Joni and Friends have created a helpful tool for parents to use to equip their children to welcome kids with disabilities. I would encourage all parents to add this book to their family library. With growing numbers of children living with special needs, it is essential that we teach our children to value every person as uniquely created by God to bring him glory."
Marty Machowski, Family pastor and author of God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender; The Ology; Long Story Short, and other gospel-rich resources for church and home
"As a pastor, I appreciate this book because it will help us equip our church family to better serve each person the Lord brings to our services and associated ministries. As a parent of a child with special needs, I appreciate the spirit and biblical nature of the way this material is presented. We all have special needs and the gospel compels us to love and serve one another in ways that are thoughtful and wise. This book cam help us do that in a more Christ-like way."
Steve Viars, Senior Pastor, Faith Church, Lafayette, IN; author of Your Special Needs Child
Jone and Friends is an organization that accelerates Christian outreach in the disability community. Founded in 1979, their mission is to communicate the gospel and equip Christ-honoring churches worldwide to evangelize and disciple people affected by disability. The organization authors numerous books including titles such as Beyond Suffering Bible; Real Families, Real Needs; and a series of church entitled The Irresistible Church.