Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes by Voddie Baucham Jr
Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes by Voddie Baucham Jr
About: Family Shepherds.
It’s hard to overestimate the importance of the family, and that of fathers in particular. We’ve heard it said, “As the family goes, so goes the nation.” But it can also be said that “as the father goes, so goes the family.” Consequently, Voddie Baucham has set out to teach men how to faithfully shepherd their families.
Derived from Baucham’s monthly meetings with men in his church, Family Shepherds calls men to accountability for their God-given responsibilities in their homes. Baucham’s clear style and practical approach will spur men to protect their marriage, raise kingdom-minded children, value the synergy between church and home, and navigate difficult family dynamics.
Family Shepherds is a book for any husband or father looking to lead well, and it will serve as an excellent resource for churches looking to equip the men in their congregations.
About the Author
Voddie Baucham Jr. (DMin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is dean of the seminary at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. The author of a number of books, including Family Driven Faith, The Ever-Loving Truth, and Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors, Baucham is also a pastor, church planter, and conference speaker.
“Voddie Baucham has captured the keys to equipping men to be a leader in their homes! This book provides a practical, biblical view to reform a man’s life to reach new heights in leading his home with the future of the kingdom in mind! I highly recommend this book to any man daring enough to step up, press in, and become the shepherd and leader of his home and to help end ‘spiritual fatherlessness’ in this passivity-saturated nation.”
Joe White, President, Kanakuk Kamps; author, FaithTraining
“Scripture gives us a clear directive to ‘look well to the ways of our household.’ Unfortunately, for far too many Christian households, that mandate and responsibility gets relegated to anyone or anything but the precious institution known as the family itself. In this powerfully important and timely book, Dr. Baucham challenges the church to reinstate the biblical concept of father-headship of households and to establish and implement the principles of family discipleship. As a wife and mother, I celebrate the clarion call this book offers to those who want to see real revival in the nation by understanding it begins at home.”
Janet Parshall, Host and Executive Producer, In the Market with Janet Parshall
“In seeking to develop gospel-driven family ministry, there’s an
unavoidable question that too few resources have clearly answered:
How do we develop a church culture that equips and mobilizes men? In
Family Shepherds, Voddie Baucham goes beyond surface-level
solutions that identify biblical masculinity with everything from
watching mixed-martial arts to participating in emotionally-charged
stadium events. What Voddie provides instead is a simple and
straightforward biblical vision for equipping men to embrace their
God-ordained roles as servant-leaders. This vision flows from Voddie’s commitment to articulate biblically what it
means for men to shepherd their families well.”
Timothy Paul Jones, author, Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus