Children and Divorce: Helping When Life Interrupts by Amy Baker - Mini Book
Children and Divorce: Helping When Life Interrupts by Amy Baker - Mini Book
Mini Book
About: Children and Divorce.
Sadness, depression, anger, fear, anxiety, loyalty conflicts; your children are struggling with at least some of these emotions after your divorce. To make things even more difficult, you are struggling too. How do you help your child cope with the changes in the family, while you're still adjusting?
As she explains the various responses you and your children may be having to your divorce, Amy Baker applies the gospel of Jesus Christ in practical and kid-friendly ways to the struggle your family is going through. As you share God's Word with your children, your family will grow in faith and hope through this difficult time.
About the Author
Author Amy Baker, Ph.D., is Ministry Resource Director at Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana. A counselor certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC, formerly NANC), Amy is also a Biblical Counseling Coalition council board member; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; and Vision of Hope residential treatment center board member. She and her husband Jeff have two children.
Amy explains how her passion for gospel-centered biblical counseling and discipleship leads her to write: “Writing is my faltering attempt to share with others the God who has rescued me and become my rock and strong tower,” she says. “As I grow in my understanding of how magnificent God is and taste his love and grace, I don’t want anyone else to miss out on this.”